Digital Cinema Aspect Ratio Calculator

Frame Size Guide for Setting Up Aspect Ratios

Here's a quick guide for setting up PCF and screen files for various aspect ratios.  Please note that pixel offsets have been rounded to the nearest full pixel and may need to be tweaked in the field.

When using this to create the PCF file, it tells the projector what aspect ratio to expect to receive.  When using this with screen files, it gives you a starting basis for starting a blank screen file.

Note, it is possible to offset the PCF and/or screen file to accomodate for special instances, such as when a scope picture is not centered on the screen but rather dropped to the bottom of a flat screen.

Aspect RatioFrame Ht 2KFrame Wd 2KLeft offset 2KRight Offset 2KTop Offset 2KBottom Offset 2KFrame Ht 4KFrame Wd 4KLeft Offset 4KRight Offset 4KTop Offset 4KBottom Offest 4K
Fame WdFrame HtAspect Ratio
Native Frame2K Frame204810801.90
4K Frame409621601.90
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